Thursday, 7 May 2020


Delighted to welcome you to my page.

I have been wanting to start a blog for ages and just never got around to it, even with lockdown  giving me a chance to have a go.  Well, with my husband’s help I finally got up and running today.

I shall just be sharing day to day things which make me smile, have fun (in the sun, as we say in this house) and all the little things in between, which I hope you enjoy.

At the moment, like many, many other people, we are on virus lockdown.  I don’t mind it really.  We are lucky enough to have a super place to live situated in the middle of a field together with two cats and a dog,who continually fight for the top pet place.  We also have to share our bed and sofas with them.

At the moment we are waiting for the washing machine repair man to arrive as our machine died on us the first day of lock down and no one would come out.  Can’t wait!

I will try and get this ‘out there’ now and would ask you if think your friends may like this for them to take a look.

Thanks a lot and see you again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Look forward to reading about your musings and adventures.
