Saturday, 9 May 2020

Day off from garden

There is only so much time a girl can spend on a garden, and today was not one of them.  Yesterday was an up in the air day with number one pet being poorly and waiting for the washing machine man to appear as if by magic. He did not.

Actually I could happily spend hours in the garden but my body tells me sometimes enough is enough.  It should always be a joy to do, and the old bones are telling me stop,stand back and enjoy what you can see.

So, we decided to go and hunt down some fillet steak in preparation of our ‘at home’ birthday meal.

Also managed to pick up a dozen free range eggs for a bit of a splendid breakfast.  (Not all of them!)

This afternoon was our usual glass or two of something on the terrace and we got talking about what will it be like when bars reopen with restrictions on seating arrangements .  The outcome is we will probably wait and see what is on offer locally, without rushing in to anything.  We are very lucky on this part of the island that there have been very few cases confirmed.

On a brighter note, I took loads of photos of Daisy (our dog) yesterday with a view to try my hand at sketching.  Daughter Becky has set me a task of getting pictures uploaded to here.  Is she going to judge my sketching skills?  OMG - she has a degree in art, what hope is there for me.  Unless it was my brilliant sketching skills when she was very, very young that inspired her.  Watch this space.

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