Going back a bit to ‘how does your garden grow’, I was thinking this morning what to write in my blog and went into the garden to get some inspiration.
That done, together with a few more photos, I looked through some of the pictures I have put together and thought you may like a walk down memory lane, and also some new stuff.
The Old
We have had the Passion Fruit plant for about three years. I spent the first couple of years trying to get it to grow up the car port legs without much luck although I did get one fruit in the first year.
Anyway, I was watching a gardening programme some months ago and the clever Charlie Dimmock was talking about creeping plants and her advice was take them out sideways, not up. They don’t like it.
Well, I had nothing to loose so I moved it over to the front fence and it taken off from there.
The best thing is this morning I have counted no fewer than four fruits, and that’s only the ones I can see.
The New.
We had ordered an orange tree last week when we were at the nursery, and I got a telephone call on Friday to say it had arrived. How exciting.
We went to collect it yesterday and also get a new pot for it. Have you seen the size of the pot? Marianna at the nursery could have got in it!
Well, not being one to hang around we brought it straight home and got it in it’s pot, but first we had to move several pots.
While we were At the nursery I was also tempted to some hyacinths, I love the fragrance of them but will have to wait till spring For them to flower I suspect.
The Fast
28th August
15th September
4th October
Even though these are in my garden, I was still amazed at the dates when I went through the pictures!
I know things grow fats in Cyprus, but this is just silly, in a lovely way.
The Slow
Not much t say about the slow, except to tell myself sometimes to slow down and take it a bit easy. I am not a child in a sweet shop!
Have a good week, and enjoy the slightly cooler weather. Thanks for reading.
Your garden is looking lovely mum, well done. Loving the pictures!