Monday, 12 October 2020

In a field near us

 There is lots of work going on.

In one field the beans have grown at an astounding rate

and are now being picked by the Asian women in the lovely pointy hats they wear to shield the from the sun.

They will soon be in the shops and seem to be a main veg in Cyprus.  They taste quite sweet, a bit like garden peas but shaped like a butter bean.

The next field has a mixture of established olive trees on the road side which, judging by other fields,will be ready for harvesting any day.

The man who owns the field told Mr D that the olives this year will be sent to England.

This is a manic time for olive pickers, olives not sold to shops are taken to the press where the oil is produced.

We have never ventured inside but on some days during this season there can be as many as 30 to 40 vehicles waiting with their loads at one time.

The olive field also has avocado trees which have been grafted onto other trees over the last few years.

Their harvest season is going on now but the magic has not worked to make them soft, I don’t know how that is done!

If you look very carefully at lower middle you can just make out a pear on the tree,not a good picture but the best I can do on my iPad.

Hope you have enjoyed our little jaunt.  Of course, there is lots more going on in fields, but this is just a peek close to home.

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