Friday, 19 February 2021

A garden full of fragrance and veg

 No surprise that I am back today with a tale of day one, shift one at the veg patch.  But first I must share the fragrant parts which are so lovely and quite traditional in gardens

A super array of hyacinths in full bloom.  It doesn’t take many to achieve this.

Next are some stocks

Once again, not many needed to make a difference against any wall or as a space filler.

I meant to get some anterrinum, also called snapdragon or bunny rabbits.  But a good excuse to visit my nursery.

I have spent a lovely few hours on my new ‘veg patch’, now there’s a surprise!  Also a chance to enjoy sunshine with a breeze to blow away some cobwebs.

A selection of re-potted bits such as spring onions and lettuce, peppers and carrot tops which are now sprouting roots as I hoped.

Also a selection of seeds for cucumber, melon, beetroot and with squash and eggplant to finish the picture for today.

Tomorrow I need to get some pots for runner bean and peas in a pod.  I saw a brilliant idea of pots in a circle with long canes forming a teepee for veg to grow up.  Also I have two lots of radishes which can go in into one of smaller troughs I have.

I am sure this is going to give me many happy hours, nit much to ask from life is it.

Oh, and yes, I did finish the sleeve I was knitting yesterday.

Just in time for Spring.

Have a good weekend and come back soon.


  1. Looking excellent, well done! 🍅🥔🥕🍠🥒🍆🥭🥝🍍🍏🍉🍎🍇🥑🍅🍒🍐🍌🍊🍑
