Saturday, 16 January 2021

To vaccinate or not, seems easy enough

 I am at home today keeping snug, listening to Classic FM with Alan Titchmarsh, who, to my way of thinking, has one of the most relaxing ways of presenting his program on radio.

Last Sunday was an early morning shopping trip to the supermarket, where 7 until 9 is reserved for people in high risk groups.  Seems most people respect that ruling and I must say I really appreciate it.  I don’t really cherish people breathing down my neck when shopping.

We decided we would try and go out just once a week to do essential things, even though all non-essential shops have to remain closed. We are back to having to send of a text with a code which matches the reason for going out and also quote the registration number on Certificate of Residence.  Authorities have a right to stop and request site of these and issue a fine if they are not produced.

Well, all was well until we got to Thursday and an essential trip to the doctor had to be made and then on to the pharmacy.  We even managed to fit in getting some light bulbs for the cooker hood and I decided to change doctors back to the original practice.

Bit of a hiccup when the pharmacy said they did not have some of my medication and I would have to go back the next day to collect it

So once a week turned into three times! And it is only the first week.

We have had some interesting weather this week but then again we have been waiting for winter to arrive. It did so with a crash, bang, wallop but I am pleased to say the garden did not suffer too much damage.

Our outing next week may include a trip to the nursery for a plant trough which will be used on the raised bed  - pictures to follow once work begins.

The question of vaccination is one which I don’t want to decide on, but I have come to the conclusion that it will eventually come into play and then be repeated annually, not unlike the flu vaccine which is tweaked every year to deal with any variants in the strain.

It is the only way I can see any sort of normality can return.  Of course, it would have helped if governments had sang from the  same song sheet and members of the public had stuck to the rules for the benefit of everyone.

On the bright side we have had fun with food this week following on from a roast Sunday lunch and keeping to our house rule not to throw any food away!

Chicken broth, chicken pie also using left over roaster veg (very yummy), more creative breakfasts and looking forward to more pies.

Watch this space for results and comments on weight gain.

Looking forward to February - a bit closer to warm days of Spring.


  1. Gorgeous hanging basket. Glad you had an ok week despite extra trips out. X
