Well, winter has arrived with a Big Bang, flash and wallop of a storm at five am this morning.
I may have mentioned before that our lovely dog was found tied up in a forest, lost, alone, no one knows for how long, and as a result is she is terrified of storms, hunting days with guns going off and any sort of loud noises.
We do get tranquillisers for her from the local vet and she happily takes her medication when a storm starts, but needs lots of hugs and petting. The light weight duvet comes in handy at the same time.
We had planned to go on an early morning run to the supermarket but obviously had to delay everything because of the storm.
Mr D was hoping to go go to the barber for a wet shave (still waiting for new razor to arrive) and other ‘must do’ things (we only go out once a week now as infection rates are so high) and we had a few other things to do.
Nothing that cannot wait until tomorrow!
So, last night we had a mini roast, lamb, roasties, using up veggies from the fridge, and.... first cabbage from the garden...
We are definitely having fun with cooking and we still stick to our no waste policy.
Chess and knitting are coming on and our log burner is a god send. We have the cleaning out and re setting down to a fine art of about 9 or 10 minutes. Not bad.
Christmas is just around the corner now and plans progress for our foodie day, then I think I will have a bit of a light and dry January.
Lovely looking Christmas cabbage!