There has been so much going on lately that I seem to have been neglecting my blog, although I did start a draft about a week ago but when I went back to it this morning it didn’t make much sense (no change there then).
But my musings in the garden are still alive and well and in all the chaos around I find it quite soothing just to wander aimlessly thinking how lovely it all is.
I am avoiding the plant nursery at the moment to give everything else a chance to grow, and this seems to be working.
I know from years gone by if I get impatient for a plant to come to it’s full potential I end up with spindly weak nothing. Some of the plants in the garden this year are a couple of years old and really looking great.
I think I got this one in early spring last year, and it didn’t really do anything but I just persevered and this is the result.
Whereas the next one is a baby lavender bought a couple of months ago a working hard to get the buds blooming.
I have met a local (English) man who has lived in Cyprus for over 30 years and is a font of knowledge which has been very useful.
He was telling me about Dragon fruits and has promised a couple of plants together with a small palm tree for our back garden.
I tried to upload a picture of dragon plants/fruit to here but it wouldn’t work, but if you are interested please have a look on the internet.
Speaking of which, our internet still has not been sorted by the company but, in the meantime, we have a second company supplying us with wireless internet, which seems to be working fine.
Another thing was the washing machine packed up. We were going to get it fixed and got an man’ in. He took the part away and it could have been fixed.
Mr D made the mistake of mentioning it to the dreaded landlord who seemed to take it all very personal and told us HE would sort it out.
So that was another 3 days without a machine. He turned up yesterday with a new machine on the back of his truck, like the Clampets, fitted the new machine and left.
I put the first load in. The drum is considerably smaller and a 40 degree wash took about four and a half hours!
I kid you not.
Apparently, if you want a ‘quick’ wash it has to be cold!
Daisy the dog had the delight of a cool walk this morning. During the extreme heat she just sticks to the house and garden.
I was glad her harness fitted after a few months of inactivity.
I have resurrected my colouring books and have decided to try some felt tip pens to get a more vibrant range of colours.
Fingers crossed.
I have a call booked with my daughter in England on Thursday. We have to pre-arrange to fit in with her shifts. Not good news from England this morning. The Johnson crew still don’t have a bloody clue as to what they are doing. Closing pubs, bars and restaurants at 10 p.m. like that is really going to make a difference.
See you all soon, I’m off to hang out more laundry, before I get upset.
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