Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Not much musing

I’m back and raring to go.  There has not been much musing in my garden recently but lots of work and tidying up.

A trip to the nursery kick started what was going to be a gentle finish to putting the spring garden to bed, and ended with some fairly major sorting out.

We are lucky enough to have an empty field next to he garden where all garden waste gets piled high until it can be burnt.  This is a job, thank goodness, which is not our responsibility,

There are strict rules in Cyprus about fires, but even so every year some idiots manage to start some major fires.

A few years ago there was a fire in the forested hills behind our house - far enough away but even so. It took about three to four days and nights to get it out properly, with the help of helicopters from Greece, the British bases on the island and Israel together with the Cypriot fire service.

All very terrifying.

But I can say I am pleased with the result in the garden.

The best news of the week was that my daughter has found a new flat and will be moving in this week.  I can’t wait for more news on that with some pictures.

The continued mess in England is putting her, and no doubt, a few thousand others, under great pressure but she continues in her key job.  I am not sure she is impressed with the lifting of all the restrictions, but if Boris says it is ok then it must be.

Seem to remember him saying something similar before he contracted the virus (and still looks like he is ill).

We took our first dip of the year in the pool this week, absolute bliss and so glad we have our pool man to keep it in pristine condition.

I even braved giving my new tankini an airing and must say felt pretty good.

We are having a discussion about the new peanut butter and marmite mix for your breakfast.  Mr D “we probably won’t get it here” ; me “get the two things and mix them” ; Mr D “it’s not the same thing”.  Watch this space for the outcome!

Hope you all have a good week.

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