Sunday, 24 October 2021

Christmas dinner!

 10 am Sunday morning,


It is never too early to plan Christmas lunch.  We always push the boat out and this year Mr D said he would like to have a go at Greek Kleftiko.  We thought a trial run would be a good idea and so armed with a leg of lamb from the butcher in Polis (the butcher from Argaka disappeared) and all the suitable ingredients from a fairly straightforward recipe which we found on the Paprika app today is the day.

Into marinade overnight, prep this morning and into the slow cooker for seven to eight hours with various veggies.

Fingers crossed.  We are going to have enough to feed an army, so it looks like a fair amount will be for the freezer.

We are also some decent decorations this year, which will be a first.  Maybe just fill the house up with poinsettias which would be VERY colourful.

I was a brave girl on Friday and went for my annual flu vaccination, I now have a sore arm, ouch.  I now have to wait to get my Covid-19 booster.  

Infection is still rife in Cyprus, just watch what happens at the local supermarket where safe passes are supposed to get checked, not happening!

The annoying thing is that it put the rest at risk.  Does anyone care?

We are still enjoying sunny weather during the day, but chilly at night.  Waiting for chimney sweep, cosy.

Good luck to every one and we can but hope this dreadful curse will go away.

Monday, 11 October 2021

Never let it be said

 Monday 11 October

That I am always after a reason to get big, bright and colourful plants for the garden.

These two are just the job for an early autumn lift.

We have decided the project before the next planting season will be to get the raised bed finished and utilise pots and troughs to the best advantage.

Meanwhile, sit back and enjoy!

(Looking forward to the end of stoptober!) yamas.

Sunday, 10 October 2021

A good way to reflect

 Sunday 10 October

Yesterday, being our ninth anniversary in Cyprus, and with Mr D feeling much better, we were feeling very happy with our lot.

After a bit of a false start when we first arrived with the house we rented (well, the dreadful landlady really) we moved in to a bungalow which we could see from our house and have been there ever since.

With no immediate neighbours and views to die for what’s not to love? 

Since we have been here there have been extensive works to cure the damp problem, which was having an effect on both our breathing.  First time around was a bodge job so the work had to be done again!  But well  worth the wait.

Daisy the dog got on really well with the man doing most of the hard graft outside and she learnt her supervising skills on him.  He didn’t speak doggy English and, as far as we know, Daisy doesn’t speak human Greek, but they got on fine.

For those of you who read this blog you get the idea I rather love the garden.  It has been a journey of learning over the years with this year being the best result.

The raised bed was never really finished off to spec and we are talking about getting our log store man to come and finish it.  Maybe even add a couple more raised beds and relocate the tubs and troughs.

Firstly we have to prepare for chillier times with logs and getting chimney swept.

So the anniversary not only looked back nine years but also forward to the future.

One more wish is that the virus becomes weaker and let’s us get on with living again and seeing family members who have been split and kept apart during this time.

Footnote - I see from today’s newspapers it doesn’t stop Doris the Boris and his unelected companion from “jetting off” (again) on holiday.  What did he do during the summer recess of Parliament?

Here’s to the coming years.

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Wow, all done and dusted ….

 Friday 8 October 

Can’t wait for the first load of wood to be delivered, which should be about mid November.

Fantastic job, next one list will probably be something garden orientated. 

Honey looking to make a new bedroom!

Wednesday, 6 October 2021

Exciting news at Douglas Towers

 Wednesday 6th October, and lots happening here today.

Mr D made a visitor the doctor as he has been unwell again for the last few days.  Doctor reassured him and has put him back on the straight and narrow.

We took delivery of loads of pallets which will be used to make a log store, which we have wanted for a couple of years.  Sometimes you just have to wait!

Yesterday was Daisy’s grooming day, she always looks so great (don’t she just know it) when it has been done.  May be just one more to be fitted in this side of winter.

Next week is pretty fully booked as well, but have managed to put to Paphos appointments into one day.

I resurrected on of my knitting projects which has been tucked away for all of the summer, and now want to finish ready for autumn .

Just completed day two of ‘stoptober’.  We were a bit late starting but better late than never,  I am hoping it will change the habit of drinking, just have to wait and see.

I am going to get some sleep now and hope to sleep right through.

Will post soon, and take some pictures of log store progress tomorrow.

Sleep tight.

Friday, 1 October 2021

New month - Happy October and Cyprus Independence Day

 We are still enjoying summer weather but no denying the fact it will come to an end eventually.  With that in mind I spent some time making a gentle start on sorting out some of raised veg bed and managed to get the last of the baby peppers and they are now ready for freezing.

They will join the green lemons given to us recently by the picker in the grove behind our house.  I am sure he does not understand a word of English but must get the idea of what I am saying from the smile.

I have always loved the way things are shared here.

This morning Mr D came back from the dog walk with two beautiful avocados, they will go into the fruit bowl - must get some fresh bananas to aid the process of ripening them.

I recently planted seeds for sweet peas, they are taking their time but are now joined by radishes -

Having had what seems like an age with arms in plaster it is great to get back into things.

The main thing to lift spirits was an amazing call from my daughter last weekend, but sorry to hear that she had some annual leave but was in bed with a stinking cold.  So unfair as her work is all consuming.

We decided we are both really looking forward to when she can visit and have a real holiday!

We have lived in this house for eight years now, the longest time we have stayed anywhere and still loving it!  Glad to say we now pay rent direct into landlord’s bank account so have distanced a bit more.

We are hoping to get a store built to keep the logs in - the magic man will come next week.

Will keep you informed, hope you are all well.