Hi every one.
Well, it’s been a while but, like my knitting, everything is a bit hit and miss at the moment.
We have had more, and rapidly changing, restrictions here in Cyprus for the virus. Mainly affecting two areas, one being Limassol and the second being Paphos region, which is the area we come under.
It is all too complicated to explain, and probably not a lot different to any other country. None of them particularly affecting us as we have been shielding anyway.
I have been sticking to my plan to keep busy and not let this get me down, which I manage most of the time.
Mornings have household chores and afternoon drifts into various things, cooking, knitting, reading, chess, (which I must say seems to be coming along well, even getting Martin into ‘check’ on the third game) and back to gardening.
I have now split the green cabbages, and tomorrow will split the red ones and the lettuce, which are starting to look like lettuce now.
I will take pics tomorrow. I try not to make it a ‘holiday snap’ moment.
This is the time of year we get fabulous sun set
This was taken from our garden where all the musing goes on.
Some more recent pics are..
We asked our gardener to chop back a rather overgrown yellow flowering tree. He has done the first cut, but the cats wanted to know why one of their favourite climbing places have been hacked back
Well, we are sort of prepared for the next few months of cold weather.
Snuggling under an extra duvet, first wood delivery made, chimney swept, and more than enough food to keep us going for the next few weeks.
Our hearts go out to people on the island who are in a desperate situation. I have linked up with someone who is involved with helping destitute families.
It may seem like a drop in the ocean but at least it scratches the surface.
On the knitting front, not such a success. I completed the snazzy mits, but felt they were a bit of a disappointment.
I am going on with the jacket, jumper and draft stop, so may go back and do a second pair of mits later.
Well, Mr D is cooking us lamb tomorrow for Sunday lunch and I plan to have a go at fish cakes on Monday
UI hope you have enjoyed today’s blog,. I would welcome any comments or suggestions.
All in the best possible taste, of course.
See you soon.